Lean Startup applied to big companies

Each company, whatever his size or sector, is able
to apply the lean startup method in order to become more efficient.

Four cycles to find your product/market fit.

We developed a approach of this method that allows big companies to innovate quickly and efficiently.



The beginning of Lean startup

A startup is, as Steve Blank defines; a serial entrepreneur and a Berkeley professor, « a temporary organisation who is looking for a scalable and repeatable business model». In order to do that, the lean startup has been developed to test quickly an idea.

The approach and pratices associated to the lean startup are transposables to big companies for the developement of their products or services. Eric Ries, inventor of the lean startup method, is a great defender of this. He applied it in the General Electric Group, a multinational company. Companies can always continue to innovate and think about its next product development.

The BML Loop

This loop represents the cycle we use in the lean startup method to innovate faster than any other method. The first step is figuring out the problem that needs to be solved and then developing a minimum viable product (MVP) to begin the process of learning as quickly as possible. Once the MVP is established, a startup can work on improving their product. This will involve measurement and learning and must include actionable metrics that can demonstrate cause and effect question.


Lean Canvas

The Lean startup has a vocation to test quickly his market economically. The loop « Build-Measure-Learn » is the base of product developement. Start from an idea, build a prototype effortless, measure user's behavior, draw conclusions on what's working or not in order to find the good product/market fit.

Before the production of an mvp to test it, it is necessary to specify your idea. To materialize a project and formalize its hypotheses, we fill a lean canvas, it allows us to get a clear value proposition of the product/service in his globality : from the target, to the dristribution channels and problems encountered, costs and revenues.

A quick and efficient method

How the lean canvas method provides you innovation faster
than the competitors ?

How many times, companies have build products, but at the end haven’t sold them because they didn’t respect deadlines? Clients needs products at a given time, and companies must deliver on time. We think that new technologies controls competitors or trends, and more generally market knowledges. That is why we are working with big companies, to provide them our advantages and our way of thinking.


In order to see how 12MVP can help you innovate, get in touch.

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